If you are unable to access the archive of a particular argument because of a disability, please contact Alan Ross, Deputy Clerk of the Court and the Court’s designated ADA Liaison
(by e-mail at aross@nycourts.gov or by telephone at 585-530-3102), to request a reasonable accommodation.
ASSISTED LISTENING devices are available in each courtroom during arguments. Please see a court attendant when you enter the courtroom.
CLOSED CAPTIONING is available while viewing archived (not live) oral arguments. Hover your mouse over the video and click the [cc] icon to activate the captions. Please note: these captions are generated by a computer algorithm and are not considered a transcript of the proceedings.
The Supreme Court of the Appellate Division, Fourth Judicial Department hears appeals from the state's trial courts located in the 22 Central and Western New York counties assigned to the Fifth, Seventh, and Eighth Judicial Districts. More »
Dedicated on January 22, 1999, the courthouse is located in the East End community in downtown Rochester, New York. More »
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