This article applies to you ONLY if you are trying to change the password of your office computer WHILE working remotely from a Personal Computer over VPN.  If you are using a court issued laptop over VPN go here for instructions.

In this Article:

First decide what your new password will be:


Use Complexity

Minimum 10 characters

Include a combination of at least 3:
  • Upper case letters
A - Z
  • Lower case letters
a - z
  • Numbers
0 - 9
  • Special characters
~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = � | \ ( ) { } [ ] : ; " ' < > , . ? /

Make it Easy for YOU to Remember

Passwords are CaSe SeNsItIvE.

  1. Think of a phrase, quote, or song verse.
  2. Replace vowels with numbers or special characters.
  3. Use spaces and add punctuation.


I_Love_CarsI love cars.I LOVE cars!
33CalicoCatsMy_Calico_CatMy2Calico Cats
Cant@elopeCan't elopeCannot elope?
Columbus in 1492.I LOVE MY dog!I am the #1

Then set your new password:

  1. From your personal computer, connect to your office computer over VPN.
  2. When you see the desktop of your office PC, press the CTRL+ALT+END keys.
  3. Click CHANGE PASSWORD on the pop-up screen.
  4. Verify your user id is displayed.
  5. Type your OLD/NEW passwords as indicated.
  6. Click the "arrow" to continue.
  7. Restart your office computer.
  8. Logout of SSLVPN.
  9. Login to SSLVPN (allow time for your office computer to restart).

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