We urge you to register soon because space is limited, however you must register on or before Wed Feb 26.


Appellate Training for Attorneys for Children


New York CLE Credit:

The Appellate Division, Fourth Department has been certified by the New York State Continuing Legal Education Board as an Accredited Provider of continuing legal education in the State of New York.

This program is suitable for Newly Admitted or Experienced attorneys and has been approved for a total of 0 credit hour(s):

AFC Program Training Credit:

Credit towards your biennial AFC Program training requirement is not available for this learning opportunity.

Compose an email to

SUBJECT: [Your Name] will attend the seminar in Henrietta
BODY: Your Name and NY Attorney Registration ID

You will receive an email confirming your registration in approximately three business days. If you do not receive a confirmation email call the program office or compose an email to to inquire.

The seminars are free to AFC, but are paid for with taxpayer dollars. When you do not notify us you will not attend a seminar for which you are registered, money is wasted.

If you fail to attend a seminar for which you are registered without notifying the Program office at least five business days before the seminar, you will be expected to provide a formal letter of explanation -- not an email -- before you may register for another seminar.

Compose an email to at least five business days prior to the seminar:

SUBJECT: CANCELLATION: [Your Name] will not attend the seminar in Henrietta
BODY: Your Name and NY Attorney Registration ID

If the seminar is in less than five business days and you are unable to attend:

AFC Program policy requires a formal letter of explanation to help justify the costs of hosting the program with taxpayer money. This is not in any way meant to be punitive as we understand that things come up at the last minute.

1. Compose an email to the program office as described above.
2. Send a formal letter of explanation to the program office:

Via US Mail, on your firm's letterhead, send your letter to:

Attorneys for Children Program
50 East Avenue, Rochester NY 14604

Electronic submissions are not accepted.

To satisfy your AFC training requirement due on March 31st, applications for credit must be received no later than March 1st of that calendar year.

1. Determine Your Eligibility:

It is your responsibility apply for credit only to which you are entitled.

  • This course is suitable for Newly Admitted or Experienced attorneys.
  • You are not entitled to credit if you received credit previously for attending the Wed Mar 19 2025 seminar in Henrietta or for viewing this video.

2. Watch the Video in its Entirety:

As you watch the video, you will periodically see and/or hear a sequence of numbers and letters, e.g., FV95. The number of codes that appear will vary depending on the length of the video.

You must enter the codes on the affirmation in the order they appear on the video, i.e., first code goes under number 1, second code goes under number 2, etc.

3. Submit the Affirmation and Course Evaluation:

Evaluation and Affirmation

Make a copy of these forms for your records before you submit them.
Submit both the affirmation and course evaluation as one (combined) scanned PDF, and send via email to:
Please note in the subject line of the email, 'Video On Demand CLE Forms'.
Please allow up to four weeks for your affirmation to be processed and CLE credit to be issued.

  Comment  Share your thoughts, comments or suggestions as part of the Court's Excellence Initiative.